TENDER LOVE & CARE - my momma always said her food was so good because it was always made with a little
When I was a little girl, I remember going over to my Grandma Juanita’s house in East LA and being sooo excited because I knew was about to get some fresh tortillas in my belly, and I mean F R E S H ya’ll. I remember being cooped up with all my cousins in one house, and so excited because 1.) we got to play TV tag whenever we wanted, and 2.) Grandma Maria decided she was making us arroz con leche, which was the treat of our childhood dreams! The smells in the house during Christmas time with masa and pozole spices filling the warm Los Angeles holiday air, the lack of self control to stop eating homemade corico cookies and all the pan dulce I could stuff my face with; WOW. I didn’t realize I was so lucky to grow up with this food and was so lucky to always have fresh salsa in the fridge:) Food has always had a special place in my heart, not just because it takes me to happy places, but it takes me to my childhood, it takes me to my special core memories. Food is so transformative and meaningful and it’s brought so much joy to my life to be able to share it with my loved ones, especially when I get to be the one to cook it up! I hope you enjoy some of these recipes that now fill MY home up with all the smells and new ingredients I’ve found and grown to love living in the Pacific Northwest.
Fresh salsas, pozole, easy breakfasts, tamales, y mas(a)!
Chocolate chip banana oat bread.
Food takes you places.
Take food places.
* Campfire Pizza *